Thursday, December 6, 2007

Volunteering just a few minutes can touch an elder's life significantly

I walked onto the floor where residents were gathered together watching television. Over by a round table were three residents sitting and getting their nails polished by the charge nurse and an aide. When I remarked to the elder how pretty her nails looked, she glanced up at me with beaming eyes and said, "aren't they though? I have been waiting a long time for this."
Imagine. What we take for granted, like getting our nails done, can bring such happiness to a senior's life in a Long Term Care Facility. This is what you can do as a volunteer in a Nursing Home.
Or perhaps you enjoy reading. A majority of elders can no longer read thier bibles or favorite books and would love to have the company of someone reading to them. Several nursing homes will allow you to take a resident out for tea or ice-cream. Or to see Christmas programs at your church or school.
Spending just 30 minutes or longer with an Elder in a nursing home can make the difference between loneliness and purpose in someones life. It can help heal someone from the most common illness in LTC, depresssion. And when you spend time bringing love and purpose to an old person, you too, will walk away feeling an inner joy that is not easy to explain unless you personally experience it. Please, don't be too busy to spend a short time bringing self-respect and love back into someones soul.

1 comment:

Red Letter Believers said...

How would you suggest I respond to elders who don't respond? Its kind of hard trying to talk without feedback.