Thursday, October 16, 2008

Honoring the Sabbath, can I do it?

I have been pondering a lot lately about the Sabbath. I realize we are no longer under the old law. However, I have often wondered what my work week would be like if I took the Sabbath seriously. If I took Sunday as a true day of rest. Rest from shopping, cleaning the house, and other forms of work or play that take my focus off our Lord. I have made the decision to observe the Sabbath every week for a month and journal the results I find. It would be very interesting to see if my job performance and relationships improved. How could they not? I would be rested and have had personal, intimate time with my Heavenly Father.I am ashamed to say the most difficult thing to give up will be the television. I don't realize how much time is spent in front of that noise box. I justify it by working on crafts while I listen. But that too I will give up for the month.
I will also begin again of sharing my experiences as I visit our Elders in Nursing Homes.

1 comment:

Red Letter Believers said...


i look forward to your experiment in the Sabbath. Obedience to God always produces amazing results!
